Monday, 5 May 2014

FAQ’S on Enterprise One Enterprise Report Writer (ERW).

Is there a Way to Control the Margins on a Report Using the Report Design Aid?
The functionality does not exist within the Report Design Aid to change the margins on a report by report basis.  It is possible to change the margins on a page using settings available in the JDE.INI.  By default, the page margins are set to 1/4 of an inch.  However, the user can modify the margin value according to his/her needs.  The following values can be added to the INI file under the [UBE] section. Values are in twips (1 inch = 1440 twips). A twip is one-twentieth of a point (printer's point).

UBETOPMARGIN=144                  (Default 360 twips (1/4 inch)) 

UBEBOTTOMMARGIN=144        (Default 360 twips (1/4 inch)) 

UBELEFTMARGIN=144               (Default 360 twips (1/4 inch)) 

 Is it Possible to Force a Page Break on a Report?
Within the Report Writer, standard page breaks occur when data overflows the page causing a page break or based on the Page Break option that can be defined on a Level Break item in the Data Sequencing.  However, there are times that a page break needs to occur at some point other then a page overflow or Level Break.  Currently there is not an available system function to cause a page break, but a page break can be forced within a report by using the following workaround.  Create a new Group section.  This section does not need to be associated with a business view.  In the advanced properties of the section, select the options for Page Break After and Conditional.  With in the driver section of the report, use event rules to edit for when a page break should occur and at the appropriate time call the new conditional group section using the Do Custom Section system function.  This will call the conditional section which does not actually print any information, but does force a page break to occur based on the Page Break After property selected on the section.

Why are my Calculated Fields not Totaled in my Level Break Footer?
The event that is used to perform the calculation for calculated fields can impact whether the field is totaled in a Level Break Footer.  The Do Section event should be used to perform the calculation.  If the event rules are done on this event, then the calculated field will be totaled in the Level Break Footer.  The use of another event such as Do Variable will result in calculated fields not being totaled in the Level Break Footer.  This is due to the order of event processing by the UBE engine.   

How can I Create a Grand Total on a Columnar or Group Section Report?
Currently within the Report Design Aid, the only automatic way to print grand totals for a report made up of Columnar or Group sections is to choose the Grand Total totaling option on a numeric variable.  This option is located by double clicking on the variable, selecting the Totaling tab, and checking the check box for Grand Total.  When running the report, this will create a grand total line as the last line of the report.  The grand total line that is printed will also print the values of the last record processed for all other fields/columns on the report along with the grand totals.  To prevent the printing of these values, choose the advanced properties for the variable and check the checkbox for Suppress at Totals.

The restrictions of this grand total line that is created automatically are:  
No ability to add constant text such as Grand Total   
No ability to change the style and add an underline before the total or a double underline after the total 
The grand total line does not stand out as a total on the report

Frequently, rather then using the automatic grand total functionality, customers choose to instead create a Grand Total group section that will print the grand totals and they use event rules to calculate the grand total amounts manually.  This section should be created without a business view and be the last section in the Report Design so it prints automatically at the end of the report.  Event rules must be used to accumulate the grand total amounts and print them in the Grand Total group section.

How is the Grand Total controlled on a Tabular Report?
When creating a Tabular report, the option to print a Grand Total is on by default.  This will print the words "Grand Total(s)" and include an underline above and double underline beneath the total amounts.  This grand total prints at the end of the tabular section.  This grand total option is controlled by a report property.  To deactivate the grand total, choose the option for Report/Report Properties.  On the Report Properties window, under the Totaling heading, the option for Print Grand Total is selected.  Uncheck the checkbox to prevent a grand total from printing on the report.  This option is held at the version level, so if this change is made on the report template, the same change needs to be made to any existing versions. 

How Can I Print Business View Information in a Level Break Footer?
Level Break Footers do have access to Business View information, but within Level Break footer, the Business View Column is always equal to the next set of information that will print after the footer, rather then the current information that the Footer is subtotaling.  However, there are variables available within event rules for Previous Business View column.  This Previous Business View Column variable (PC) can be used when printing Business View Information in a Level Break Footer and will have the desired Business View value for printing in the Level Break Footer. By creating report variables in the Level Break Footer and using event rules to assign the report variables to be equal to their corresponding PC Previous Business View Column values, business view information can be printed in the Level Break Footer.  

What Options that are Available to Columnar and Group Sections are not available for Tabular Sections?
The following options that are available in columnar and group section reports are not available for tabular reports:

Conditional Section.  A tabular section cannot be conditional. Level Break headers/Footers.  
Tabular sections cannot have level break header or footer sections.  Level break information is printed automatically within a tabular section and controlled by the items marked as Level Breaks in the data sequencing. 
Parent/Child Subsection Joins are not available in a tabular section. 

When running my Report in Preview Mode, I am not seeing all the Data?
Preview mode is intended to be used for verifying the report layout.  It is not intended to be used to verify that the appropriate data is selected on the report.  Therefore, by default, within the User Options preview is set to limit the number of rows that are processed when running in Preview Mode.  To verify that the appropriate data is selected, run a version of the report from Batch Versions.

Is it Possible to Define Data Selection for a Report Based on Today's Date?
  Currently within the Report Design Aid, there is a system value equal to "Today's Date", however this value is only available within Event Rules and is not available for selection from Data Selection.  A report can be modified to create a variable equal to this system variable for Today's Date and that report variable would then be available for selection from within Data Selection when executing a version of the report.  This functionality can only be achieved through a modification to the report.

How can I Print the Version Name and/or Version Title on the Page Header Section?
Insert variables to print the version name (alias VRID) and version title (alias JD) in the page header section.  On the Do Section event use event rules to assign the system value SL VersionName to the version name variable and use the business function N4002400 - F983051 Get Version Title to retrieve the version title.  When calling the business function, pass the system values SL ReportName and SL VersionName to the business function.  

What Options are Available with the Report Writer to Create a Text File Output?
Within the Report Writer, both the options for Export to CSV and Database Output will produce a text file as output. The Export to CSV option creates a comma delimited file.  This option is available within the Print options of the report and version or can be selected at runtime. The Database Output option can be used to create either a comma delimited or fixed length record text file.  This option requires manual mapping for each section to be output.

How do I Define a Version of a Report to Always Export to CSV?
Go into Report Design of the Version, choose Report and Printer Setup, check the Export to CSV box to set the version to always Export to CSV in the specifications.
When executing the report locally, the default radio button is set to Export to CSV.  When executing the report on the Server, the CSV (Comma Delimited) box is checked under the Document Setup tab on the "Printer Selection" dialog..

What is the maximum height and width a report can be?
report cannot be over 45 inches in either width or height for the total of sections.  The workaround is to split the report into multiple reports with smaller number of sections.

For a report with a Parent Driver Section linked to many Child sections, the last Child section must start before 22.5 inches, otherwise the report prints out-of-sequence.
To view the height and width within Report Design Aid, Click on View|User Options -Show Rulers

how do I skip the non-printable section found at the bottom of a pre-printed form? 
Create a Page Footer section to match the height of the non-printable section.

How do I define a custom form type for a pre-printed form?
With Report Design Aid, choose Report|Print Setup. Check the Custom box and enter the Width and Height. Note that the Size is changed to *JDE*CUSTOM.

How do I automatically retrieve the description of a report variable that is based on a data dictionary data item?
Click on the Variable portion of the report variable; from the Edit menu, Select Associate|Description.  If there is an Edit Rule associated with the data dictionary item then the description will be returned and printed using the Data Dictionary Edit Rule.

How does the property 'Reprint at Page Break' function on a report section?
On a Level Break Header section, the section reprints whenever a Page Break occurs. On Columnar and Group sections, the section reprints only if the section crosses a page break boundary when it is printed. 

Where is the Aggregate Function located within Report Design Aid?
The Aggregate function is only available on a Level Break Footer Section. It is accessed during the creation of a Level Break Footer or from the Section menu|Add Aggregates when focused on the Level Break Footer section. 

When in Version Design, why is the OK button disabled?
When in Version Design, in order to make any change, you must select Override Version Specifications (right click on the Section) and choose the part of the section you wish to override:
Section Layout 
Section Data Selection 
Section Event Rules 
Section Database Output 
Section Sort Sequence 
When a Section is overridden at the Version level, any change made to the same section in the report template does not carry over.  Only those options that apply to the change being made should be checked as an override selection.

Can I select what to print on the Cover page of a Report?
When in Batch Versions and the row exit for Version Detail, if the Cover page box is checked, by default it prints a full listing of the report specifications. To select what to print on the cover page, in Report Design Aid, choose Report Properties and click on the tab Cover Page Options.

How do I print the Processing Options of a Version without Executing the Report and printing the Cover Page?
From Batch Versions, highlight the Version and click on the Row exit for Print Options.  This will execute the reportR98306 - PO Values and Text UBE with data selection for the report entered and version selected within the Batch Versions application when selecting the row exit.

If you wish to print the Processing Options for ALL versions of a specific report, submit the UBE R98306 with a data selection on BC Program ID (F983051) = Report Name entered as a literal (i.e. R09231)
Runtime Data Selection is not saved but why are Runtime Processing Options saved?
This functions as designed. Runtime Data Selection, Data Sequencing and Processing Options are saved with the Server job when a report is submitted to the server, but the Processing Option values are also updated for the Version in the Versions List table (F983051) when OK is clicked on the Processing Options prompting window.

How can I troubleshoot the Results of a Report
There are several available techniques for troubleshooting the results of a report.  The Event Rule Debugger can be used to step through and troubleshoot the event rules on a report.  You can also review the jde.log as well as generate information in the jdedebug.log and UBE log that can be used to troubleshoot the results of a report.

How can I retrieve and print the Processing Options Values  of a Version on the report?
They are stored in the column VRPODATA in the Version List table F98305. This column is encoded in a binary format and therefore, cannot be retrieved by using Event Rules functions. The only way to do so is to print the Cover Page only for Processing Options, explained in Question 22.

How the Job Queue is is determined when a report is submitted to the Server?
The first place where the software looks for the Job Queue is in the Job Queue field that can be entered on a Version within the Version Detail in Batch Versions. This value for Job Queue is stored in the RDASPECS of the Version and not in the table F983051.

If not Job Queue has been specified on the version in Version Detail, then the software looks at the value for UBEQueue in the workstation JDE.INI under the setting

The Job Queue must be a valid Job Queue defined on the Server.

How to I deploy a Batch Version to the Server?
Provided that the report template had already been deployed to the Server,

From the Batch Versions application, find and select the Version 
On the Version Prompting form, click on Form exit - Advanced 
On Advanced Version Prompting, 
Turn On "Submit Version Specifications Only" 
Turn On "Override Location" only if by default UBE is set to run Local 
Click OK 
On Version Prompting, click Submit 
This will not run the UBE but will install the Version Specs to the Server. The submitted batch version record is displayed on the Submitted Job Search screen as a type of 001 instead of UBE. The Queue that the batch version is submitted must be a valid queue defined in the Server JDE.INI under 
Otherwise, the Job will be sitting at a Wait status.

This step is only necessary for a batch version that is being submitted by a Report Interconnect, Form Interconnect or Business Function rather then being executed from Batch Versions. 

In Batch Versions, which Row Exit affects the Override Version Specifications?
To make changes available in the row exits, the version must first be checked out to the workstation.

Version Detail-Cover Page =  Version Design, under Report Properties| Cover Page Options, check box for Cover Page 
Clicking OK in Data Selection = Version Design, Section| Override Version Specifications, check box for Section Data Selection 
Clicking OK in Data Sequencing = Version Design, Section| Override Version Specifications, check box for Section Sort Sequence 

If Two Users Execute the same Version of the Report Directly after one another, will the Second User Override the First User's Selections?
Within the J.D. Edwards software, when a version of a report is executed to the server, the data selection, data sequencing and processing options for that version execution are bundled with the report as it is sent to the server.  Therefore, if a second user executes the same version prior to the first user's version being complete, the two versions will still be unique to the selections entered by each user.  The second user does not override the first user's selections.  

Why is a Blank Page Printed at the beginning of a Custom UBE with an Invisible Driver Section and Report Footer?
When Report Footer is used, a forced page break is embedded in the engine that causes a blank page with page header information to print before the footer. Rather than using the Report Footer, create a new section and make it Conditional in the Section | Advanced Properties, insert whatever information was in the report footer, then call the Conditional section from the End Section event in the Driver section.

Is it Possible to Define a Default Printer for a Specific Report and Version?
Yes.  This is done in the Printers application (P98616).  Specify the report and version for the user,host and environment and change the status to AV (active).  SAR 4613875 reports an issue with this functionality being limited to only allowing one active default printer for the user, host and environment.  This SAR allows a user to define active default printers for different versions of a report for the same combination of user/group, host, and environment.  The SAR is available beginning with Update 1 and is also available as an ESU.

Can you specify the Number of Copies of a Report when Printing the Report? 
Yes.  For a report that is processed locally on the workstations, after clicking Submit, select the Printer button in order to specify the number of copies on the Printer Selection form.  For a report that is processed on the Server, after clicking Submit, specify the number of copies on the Printer Selection form.

The printing sequence of two copies of a report of three pages will print as follows:  two copies of page 1, two copies of page 2 and two copies of page 3.  Adobe Acrobat prints in the same sequence for multiple copies of a report.  

What is the Order of Precedence Used to Set the Paper Size for a Report? 
The order of precedence used to set the paper size for a report is the following:

A paper type selected at runtime when the report is submitted from the Print Property tab on the Printer Selection screen.  
Setting specified in the Report Design Aid (RDA) tool in the Printer Setup window located under the Report menu.  If the Custom checkbox is checked, this will change the size to *JDE*CUSTOM.  This property is held at the version level. 
If the user just selects a size in the available drop down, this is used as a guide by the Tool, but it will default to the printer setup. 
If the custom checkbox is set, the user cannot access paper type at runtime from Batch Versions.  It will be grayed out. 

From the printer setup 
Printer precedence is:  
              i.      Printer chosen at runtime - when a job is submitted and the user is at the Printer Selection screen, from the change printer form exit 
            ii.      Printer chosen in RDA Tool, Printer Setup (change at the version level) 

           iii.      Printer set in P98616 default printers (either by specific report/version or from *ALL default)  

  I Changed my Report to Print as Portrait, but it still Prints as Landscape Mode? 
Orientation is a version level property setting.  If a change is made to the report template to print in Portrait mode, then the same change must be made for all existing versions of the report or new versions created.  Any new versions created with an "Add" will inherit the orientation setting from the report template.  However, existing versions are already defined with an orientation and must be update in design when making an orientation change.

Is it Possible to Select or Sort a Report based on a Report Variable that does not Exist in the Business View?
It is not possible to use a field in data selection or data sequencing unless the field is part of the business view.  You cannot select or sort a report based on a report variable.  The following are some options for workarounds.

Modify the business view to include the needed field 
Change the design of the report to first create a workfile that includes this desired field, then print the report based off this custom table. Since the desired field is part of the table, you can then include it in the business view and perform data selection and sequencing using the field.  This option will require an advanced knowledge of the tools particularly the event rules.  An example of this process is in the R42565 Print Invoices.  Records are first written to a workfile F42565.  These records are then used to print the invoices.  
Export the report to CSV and then sort on the variable within Excel.  

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