Monday, 5 May 2014

FAQs - Object Management Workbench and Advancing Projects

Q1 - How do I get a change made to a Menu, UDC, or Interactive Version in my Prototype Environment back to my Development Environment?
OneWorld is designed with a Change Management System that assumes a development lifecycle that promotes objects from Development to Prototype to Production. Occasionally clients will need to promote objects in the reverse direction using some sort of tool. Before OneWorld Xe, this was done through the Record Copy application. However, the Record Copy application no longer exists in OneWorld Xe because of the risk of compromising the goals of an integrated Change Management System. Therefore this type of object promotion must be done through Object Management Workbench, and more specifically, through the advancement of a project from one status to the next. Because OneWorld is not delivered with a promotion path that moves objects from Prototype to Development, one must be created. An example of a possible promotion path may be from the starting projects status of 11 moving to a new status like 27 – Prototype to Development, which then moves to the status 21 – Programming. The status change from a 27 to a 21 would need to be set up with Transfer Activity Rules that define a transfer of objects from a prototype data source or path code to the development data source or path code. Instructions on setting up this type of promotion path can be seen in the Knowledge Document Configuring Object Management Workbench with Custom or Additional Path Codes

Q2 Why am I Receiving an Error of "Mandatory Activity Rules Exist" when Advancing a Project?
When Activity Rules are marked as Mandatory, they must be in an active status or an error message of "Mandatory Activity Rules Exist" will be given when promoting the project. When receiving this error, review the activity rules for the status change and either change the mandatory activity rules to an active status or if the activity rules should be inactive (for example: only having two path codes as opposed to three), then change the inactive rules to be non-mandatory.

Q 3 Why am I Getting a Message of "Object Modified Under Other Project" When I Attempt to Advance a Project?
Object Management Workbench requires that in order for a project to be advanced it must be the last project to have checked-in all the objects in the project. When an object is checked-in, the project that the object belongs to at check-in time is written to the Modification Comment field (SIMODCMT) in the F9861 table. When promoting a project, the Object Management Workbench verifies that the project being promoted is the last project to check-in the objects by verifying the project name in the Modification Comment field in the F9861 table for each of the objects in the project. If an object does not have a value in this field that is equal to the current project, then an error of "Object Modified Under Other Project" is given. In order to get this field updated to have the current project name, check-out and then check-in each of the objects that needs to be updated. When the object is checked-in, the Modification Comment field is updated to have the current project name. Once all objects in the project have the current project name in this field, the error will no longer occur when promoting the project.

Q 4 Why am I Getting a Message of "Object Status Error on Status Change" When I Check the Validate Only Check Box when Advancing a Project?
This error occurs when advancing a project and attempting to do a trial promotion by checking the Validate Only checkbox. The result is the user is given an error of "Object Status Error on Status Change". This error occurs regardless of what status the project is to be promoted to. This issue has been reported on SAR 4972309 and is included in Service Pack 16.

Q5 What Happens When I Have Multiple Objects in a Project and the Advance of the Project Fails?
When you have a project with multiple objects in the project, when you advance the project it will promote the objects one by one. If some of the objects succeed and some fail, then the project status will not advance. However, the objects that were successful did transfer to the new location, based on the Transfer Activity Rules. When the project is advanced again, Object Management Workbench (OMW) will not promote all the objects again. It will promote only those objects in the project that failed the first time. When objects are transferred the dates in the F9861 records are compared. If the dates are the same, OMW will not transfer the specs for a second time because the specs have already been transferred. If you look at the OMW log, it will show for the second transfer that the objects that succeeded the first time will not transfer (and will fail) the second time, but the project status will advance because all of the specs for all objects in the project have been transferred successfully.

Q6 - When Advancing a Project in OMW, the Status on my Project is changing indicating that the Transfer was Successful; however, the Objects are not being Transferred?
Prior to doing a transfer of an object, Object Management Workbench (OMW) verifies that the project that the object is being advanced in is the last project to modify the object. If this is not the case, then OMW will not transfer the object. There is an issue in OMW that although the object is not transferred, the project status is still being advanced. This issue has been reported on SAR 4972309 and is corrected in SP 16. In order to get the objects to transfer successfully, change the status back to the prior status, check-out and then check-in the objects that did not transfer. This will update the objects to have the appropriate project listed as the last project that updated the object. Then attempt the transfer again.

Q7 - When my Project is Advanced to a Status that Releases the Token, if another User is in the Token Queue to Receive the Token, the Transfer will Fail if there is a Problem Sending a Message to the User who Should Receive the Token.
If no other errors are encountered, all the objects in the project will transfer successfully, however, OMW will fail on the project status change due to an error sending an e-mail message to the user who is in the Token Queue to receive the token. This issue has been reported on SAR 5209698 and is included in SP 17. OMW has been changed to not fail on a project status update in this situation. As a workaround, verify that the e-mail setup is correct for the user who should be receiving an e-mail when the token is released on the project.

Q8 When Attempting to Advance a Project with an Interactive Application, Why am I Getting Errors on my User Overrides and the Status Change is Failing?

Transfer Activity Rules for User Overrides that were sent our with the GA release of Xe are incorrect. The Transfer Activity Rules for User Overrides incorrectly point to Control Tables Data Sources. These objects should point to Central Objects Data Sources. Use the Universal Table Browser and search the F98225 table where TROMWOT = UO to find all Status Activity Rules that have associated User Override Transfer Activity Rules. For each UO Activity Rule found, use the Object Management Configuration Application (P98230) to change all Transfer Activity Rules for object type UO from Control Tables Data Sources to Central Objects Data Sources. 

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